IEA Task 50

Work Package 5

Outreach and Collaboration with other ongoing TCPs and industry R&D activities.

The final work package is dedicated to collaboration and coordination with other IEA TCPs and hybrid power plant R&D activities in industry.

Task Manager: Christopher Bay, NREL.

Of Particular Relevance:

Task 25 Grid integration – The collaboration/knowledge transfer with Task 25 will involve development of grid service specifications for operation of hybrid power plants for future power systems with large share of variable renewable generations.

Task 55 REFWIND – The collaboration/knowledge transfer with Task 55 will involve hybrid power plant design and optimization methodologies as well as inspiration from reference wind farms to develop reference hybrid power plants.

Task 43 Digitalization – The collaboration/knowledge transfer with Task 41 will be on data collection and fair data principles applied for hybrid power plants.

Task 44 Farm Flow Control – The collaboration/knowledge transfer with Task 44 will be on taxonomies, interaction of farm flow control with hybrid power plant control and energy management strategies.

Solar TCP – The collaboration/knowledge transfer with Solar TCP will be on physical modelling and control of solar power inside a hybrid power plant. Hydrogen TCP – The collaboration/knowledge transfer with Hydrogen TCP will be on the possibility and specification for integration of hydrogen production as a hybrid power plant asset.