IEA Wind TCP Task 37

Systems Engineering in Wind Energy

About Task 37

IEA Wind TCP Task 37 Systems Engineering in Wind Energy ran between 2016 and 2022 and focused on maturing systems engineering approaches and applications for wind energy.

Back in 2016, the motivation for Task 37 was to improve the practice and application of systems engineering to wind energy research design, development, and operation.

IEA Wind TCP Task 55 REFWIND brings ahead the mission to rigorously define common reference systems for wind turbines and plants.


Task 37 Products & Publications


WindIO: Official repository and documentation of the wind turbine and plant ontology, a common and complete parameterization to facilitate sharing of design inputs.

WindIO2CAD: OpenSCAD-based generator of CAD models from the turbine ontology.

Task 37 overview and vision paper published at the inception of the project: Perez-Moreno, S.S., Zaaijer, M.B., Bottasso, C.L., Dykes, K., Merz, K.O., Réthoré, P.E. and Zahle, F., 2016, September. Roadmap to the multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization of wind energy systems. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 753, No. 6, p. 062011). IOP Publishing.


IEA Wind 3.35-MW Land Based Reference Wind Turbine: Github repository with full reference turbine model input files

IEA Wind 10-MW Offshore Reference Wind Turbine: Github repository with full reference turbine model input files

    • Reference turbine description report: Bortolotti, Pietro, Tarres, Helena C, Dykes, Katherine L, Merz, Karl, Sethuraman, Latha, Verelst, David, and Zahle, Frederik. IEA Wind TCP Task 37: Systems Engineering in Wind Energy – WP2.1 Reference Wind Turbines. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5000-73492.

IEA Wind 15-MW Offshore Reference Wind Turbine: Github repository with full reference turbine model input files

    • Reference turbine (monopile variant) description report: Gaertner, Evan, Jennifer Rinker, Latha Sethuraman, Frederik Zahle, Benjamin Anderson, Garrett Barter, Nikhar Abbas, Fanzhong Meng, Pietro Bortolotti, Witold Skrzypinski, George Scott, Roland Feil, Henrik Bredmose, Katherine Dykes, Matt Shields, Christopher Allen, and Anthony Viselli. 2020. Definition of the IEA Wind 15-Megawatt Offshore Reference Wind Turbine. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5000-75698.
    • Reference turbine (semisubmersible variant) description report: Allen, Christopher, Anthony Viselli, Habib Dagher, Andrew Goupee, Evan Gaertner, Nikhar Abbas, Matthew Hall, and Garrett Barter. Definition of the UMaine VolturnUS-S Reference Platform Developed for the IEA Wind 15-Megawatt Offshore Reference Wind Turbine. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5000-76773.
    • Comparison between NREL and DTU modeling suites: Jennifer Rinker, Evan Gaertner, Frederik Zahle, Witold Skrzypinski, Nikhar Abbas, Henrik Bredmose, Garrett Barter, and Katherine Dykes. “Comparison of Loads from HAWC2 and OpenFAST for the IEA Wind 15 MW Reference Wind Turbine.” (2020)

Description of a reference wind plant: Perez-Moreno, S.S., Dykes, K., Merz, K.O. and Zaaijer, M.B., 2018, June. “Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization of a reference offshore wind plant.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1037, No. 4, p. 042004). IOP Publishing.


Round-robin comparison of plant layout models: Nicholas F. Baker, Andrew P. J. Stanley, Jared J. Thomas, Andrew Ning, Katherine Dykes. “Best Practices for Wake Model and Optimization Algorithm Selection in Wind Farm Layout Optimization.” Proceedings of the AIAA SciTech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California. Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). 2019.

Round-robin comparison of blade design models: Michael K. McWilliam, Frederik Zahle, Katherine Dykes, Pietro Bortolotti, Andrew Ning, Evan Gaertner, Terence Macquart, Karl Merz and Ainara I. Ruiz IEA Wind Energy Task 37 – System Engineering – Aerodynamic Optimization Case Study AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. AIAA 2021-1412. January 2021.


Key findings of joint workshop on wind systems engineering with nacelle lidar: Simley, E., Bortolotti, P., Scholbrock, A., Schlipf, D. and Dykes, K., 2020, September. “IEA Wind Task 32 and Task 37: Optimizing Wind Turbines with Lidar-Assisted Control Using Systems Engineering.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1618, No. 4, p. 042029). IOP Publishing.



Task 37 Participants

Who can participate in Task 37?

Task 37 is now concluded. Task 55 runs between 2023 and 2027 and could be a valid alternative for wind energy practitioners interested in wind energy research.


Operating Agents

Please contact the Operating Agents below with any questions

Katherine Dykes

Task 37 Operating Agent

Garrett Barter

Task 37 Operating Agent

    Any Question?

    Tel: +45 93 51 15 11

    DTU Wind Energy

    DTU Risø Campus
    Frederiksborgvej 399
    4000 Roskilde

    Monday to Friday

    9 am – 17 pm Central European Time

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