
Take Over Task 32!

Do you have an idea for a Task 32 or something that you would like to see Task 32 do?

Well, you can suggest it to the Operating Agent, or – even better – you can set up your own Task 32 activity. This page describes some of the tools we’ve got available for you.

Workshops and One-Day-Events

We use the fees that member countries pay toward Task 32 to help support the organization of four, one-day events per year. We are always looking for motivated workshop leaders and hosts!

If you’d like to organize an event, please note the following:

  • We’ll  pay – up to a limit – for the event logistics including the room and lunch-time catering,
  • We’ll help you draw up the agenda so that you make good use of everyone’s time.
  • We’ll help you advertise the event and manage registrations.
  • We’ll help you work out how to use the event to make a difference and publicize the results.
  • The only requirement is that your event should help a large part of the wind lidar community, not just one vendor or end-user.

If you’d like to hold a Task 32 event, please get in touch with the Operating Agent.

Working Groups

Workshops and other events often lead to new ideas that need some time to develop. We can support users in setting up working groups on any wind-lidar-related subject and help you figure out how to use that group to make a difference.


You can use Task 32 to help share news within the Task and outside, and communicate your results or needs with other Task members, publicize the results from a workshop or event, educate stakeholders, or communicate with policymakers.

We have several options that you can use to communicate with the Task members:

If you want to reach a wider audience through Task 32:

  • We can write IEA Wind Expert Reports and Recommended Practices
  • We can produce Task 32 short reports or one-pagers; these could be technical reports, white papers, or short position pieces
  • We’ve written plenty of peer-reviewed papers
  • You can leverage the e-WindLidar data formats to enable interoperability of your lidar data and tools.

And many more!

Please get in touch to discuss how you’d like to use Task 32 for your communications needs.
