Task 26 Publications
Hand, M.M., ed. 2018. IEA Wind TCP Task 26‒Wind Technology, Cost, and Performance Trends in Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the European Union, and the United States: 2008‒2016. (2018). NREL/TP-6A20-71844. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (US).
Noonan, M., T. Stehly, D. Mora, L. Kitzing, G. Smart, V. Berkhout, Y. Kikuchi. 2018. IEA Wind Task 26 – Offshore Wind International Comparative Analysis, International Energy Agency.
Dalla Riva, A.; Hethey, J.; Vitina, A. (2017). IEA Wind TCP Task 26 – The Impacts of Turbine Technology on the System Value of Wind Energy in Europe. NREL/TP-6A20-70337. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (US).
Wiser, Ryan, Joachim Seel, Volker Berkhout, Carolin Wiegand. Künftige Kostenentwicklung der Windenergie in Windenergiereport Deutschland 2016, Kassel, Fraunhofer IWES. May 2017. (ISBN 978-3-8396-1195-1).
Wiser, Ryan, Karen Jenni, Joachim Seel, Erin Baker, Maureen Hand, Eric Lantz, and Aaron Smith. 2016. Forecasting Wind Energy Costs and Cost Drivers: The Views of the World’s Leading Experts. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-1005717. June 2016.
Smart, G., A. Smith, E. Warner, I.B. Sperstad, B. Prinsen, R. Lacal-Arántegui. 2016. IEA Wind Task 26 – Offshore Wind Farm Baseline Documentation. NREL/TP-6A20-66262. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (US).
Vitina, Aisma, Luers, Silke, Wallasch, Anna-Kathrin, Berkhout, Volker, Duffy, Aidan, Cleary, Brendan, Husabo, Leif I, Weir, David E, Lacal-Arantegui, Roberto, Hand, M. Maureen, Lantz, Eric, Belyeu, Kathy, Wiser, Ryan H, Bolinger, Mark, and Hoen, Ben. IEA Wind Task 26: Wind Technology, Cost and Performance Trends in Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Norway, the European Union, and the United States: 2007 – 2012, 2015. 163 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-6A20-64332.
Lacal-Arantegui, R.; M. M. Hand; D. Radu; D. Magagna. (2014). A System-based Approach to Assessing the Value of Wind to the Society. Report based on an experts’ workshop held in Petten, Netherlands, 13-14 November, 2013. European Commission-Joint Research Centre.
Lantz, E.; Wiser, R.; Hand, M. (2012). IEA Wind Task 26 – The Past and Future Cost of Wind Energy; Work Package 2 Final Report. NREL/TP-6A20-53510. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (US).
Schwabe, P.; Lensink, S.; Hand, M. (2011). IEA Wind Task 26 – Multi-national Case Study of the Financial Cost of Wind Energy; Work Package 1 Final Report. 122 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-6A20-48155. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (US).
Additional Journal Articles
Beiter, P., A. Cooperman, E. Lantz, T. Stehly, M. Shields, R. Wiser, T. Telsnig, L. Kitzing, V. Berkhout, Y. Kikuchi. 2021. Wind power costs driven by innovation and experience with further reductions on the horizon. WIREs Energy and Environment. March 31, 2021.
Kitzing, L., M. K. Jensen, T. Telsnig, E. Lantz. 2020. Multifaceted drivers for onshore wind energy repowering and their implications for energy transition. Nature Energy.
Duffy, A., M. Hand, R. Wiser, E. Lantz, A. Dalla Riva, V. Berkhout, M. Stenkvist, D. Weir, R. Lacal-Arántegui. (2020). Land-based wind energy cost trends in Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United States. Applied Energy.
Cleary, B., A. Duffy, B. Bach, A. Vitina, A. O’Connor, and M. Conlon. Estimating the electricity prices, generation costs and CO2 emissions of large-scale wind energy exports from Ireland to Great Britain. Energy Policy, vol. 91, pp. 38–48, 2015.
Lacal-Arántegui, R., A. Uihlein. (Forthcoming). Repowering wind turbines, Analysis of the effects of technology substitution in repowered wind farms – changes in wind turbine performance. Directorate General Joint Research Centre, European Commission, P.O. Box 2, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands.
Lacal-Arantegui, R., J. M. Yusta, J. A. Dominguez-Navarro, “Offshore wind installation: analysing the evidence behind improvements in installation time.” Accepted by Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review.
Wiser, R., K. Jenni, J. Seel, E. Baker, M. Hand, E. Lantz, A. Smith. 2016. Expert Elicitation Survey on Future Wind Energy Costs. Nature Energy. No: 16135. Accessed January 2017.
IEA Wind Task 26 Operating Agent Eric Lantz
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
15013 Denver West Parkway | Golden, Colorado 80401-3305
United States
Phone: +1-303-384-7418
9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mountain Time
Email: eric.lantz@nrel.gov