
Task 46 Participants

Task 46 is formed by 40 organizations from 12 Countries:

FinlandBusiness FinlandVTT

Country Contracting Party Task Participant
Belgium Belgian Ministry of Economy Engie
Canada Natural Resources Canada WEICan
Denmark Danish Energy Agency DTU
Ørsted A/S
Power Curve
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) Covestro
Emil Frei (Freilacke)
Fraunhofer IWES
Nordex Energy
Ireland Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland SETU (Carlow)
University of Galway
University of Limerick
Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization AIST
Asahi Rubber Inc.
Osaka University
Tokyo Gas Co.
Netherlands RVO TU Delft
Norway NVE Equinor
University of Bergen
Spain CIEMAT Aerox
Nordex Energy Spain
Universidad Cardenal Herrera – CEU
United Kingdom ORE Catapult Lancaster University
ORE Catapult
Imperial College London
University of Bristol
US US DoE Cornell University
Sandia National Laboratories

Who can participate in Task 46?

To participate in the research activities of Task 46, researchers must reside in a country that participates in the IEA Wind Agreement AND has agreed by official letter to participate in Task 46. The participating member country of the IEA Wind TCP must designate a lead institution that agrees to the obligations of Task participation (pay the annual fee and agree to perform specified parts of the work plan).

Active researchers (performing part of the work plan) benefit from meetings and professional exchange during the term of the Task. Countries participating in the Task benefit from the information developed by the Task. The value of the research performed is many times the cost of the country participation fee or the labor contributed to carrying out the work plan.

For more information, contact the Operating Agent Charlotte Bay Hasager or the IEA Wind Secretariat.


The Task work is coordinated by Operating Agent (OA) from organization DTU represented by Charlotte Bay Hasager.

The plenary assembly formed by all participants is the primary decision-making body of the Task. Plenary meetings/teleconferences are held every six months to plan and monitor task progress. Plenary assemblies are chaired by OA.

The work plan is be submitted for approval by the Executive Committee, with annual status updates. OA report annually to IEA Wind Executive Committee.

Work Package Leaders and Co-Leaders coordinate the technical content within their work packages.

Work Package

Coordinating Organization(s)

Work Package Leader / Co-leaders

Climatic conditions Cornell University (US), Ørsted (DK) Sara C Pryor
Wind turbine operation with erosion Sandia National Laboratories (US) David C Maniaci
Laboratory testing of erosion DTU (DK) Nicolai Frost-Jensen Johansen
Erosion mechanics & material properties CEU Cardenal Herrera University (ES) Fernando Sánchez López

Operating Agent

Task 46 is managed by the Danish Technical University DTU.
For general enquiries please get in touch

Charlotte Bay Hasager

Task 46 Operating Agent, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Operating Agent Charlotte Bay Hasager

Professor, Department of Wind and Energy Systems

DTU Wind and Energy Systems

DTU Wind and Energy Systems
Frederiksborgvej 399
4000 Roskilde