Task 52 Deliverables
No. |
Deliverable |
LeadOrganization |
Month Due |
M1-5 | General Meetings incl. Kick-off and Final Meeting (minutes published on Zenodo) | OA | 1, 13, 25, 37, 48 (with slight deviations) |
D1-4 | Annual progress reports to ExCo (Task 52 contributions) | OA | once per task year |
D5.a-g | Bi-annual updates (newsletters) | OA | about every 6 months |
D1.1 – D4.2 | Technical deliverables from working groups (WGs) – see details below. | WG lead + OA | see below |
Detailed deliverables per Working Group
Theme |
Deliverable |
Month |
(1) Universal inflow characterisation | [D1.1] WG #1: Expert report for lidar TI estimation | 42 |
[D1.2] WG #2: RP for lidar-assisted control | 48 (postponed) | |
(2) Replacing met masts | [D2.1] WG #3: Report on ground-based lidar in complex terrain (incl. exercise) | 32 |
[D2.2] WG #4: Report on lidar in cold climate (summary of conference presentations) | 48 | |
[D2.3] WG #8: Report on nacelle lidar in complex terrain | 42 | |
(3) Connecting wind lidar | [D3.1] WG #5: report on lidar and digitalisation | 32 |
[D3.2] WG #7: Lidar ontology publication
Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | An Ontology for Describing Wind Lidar Concepts (mdpi.com) |
24 (done) | |
(4) Accelerating offshore wind deployment | [D4.1] WG #6: RP for scanning lidar | 48 |
[D4.2] WG (not yet active): FLS review paper after publication of IEC TS 61400-50-4 | 36 |
Minutes from General Meetings
General Meeting 2024: https://zenodo.org/records/11643399
General Meeting 2023: https://zenodo.org/records/8241511
General Meeting 2022: https://zenodo.org/record/6828891
Contributions to IEA Wind Annual Reports
(Operating Agent) Fraunhofer IWES
Am Seedeich 45,
27572 Bremerhaven