Task 53 Participation
Task 53 Participants
Current IEA Task 53 participants are:
Denmark: EA Energy Analyses, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Germany: Deutsche WindGuard, Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology
Ireland: University College Cork and Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Japan: University of Tokyo
Netherlands: TNO
Norway: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Sweden: Swedish Energy Agency
United Kingdom: Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult
United States: National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Who Can Participate in Task 53?
The participating member country of the IEA Wind Technology Collaboration Programme must designate a lead institution that agrees to the obligations of Task participation (i.e., agree to perform specified parts of the IEA Task 53 Work Plan).
Active researchers (performing part of the Work Plan) benefit from meetings and professional exchange during the term of the Task.
Countries participating in the Task benefit from the information developed by the Task. The value of the research performed is many times the cost of the country participation fee or the labor contributed to carrying out the Work Plan.
If you have questions, please contact the Operating Agent listed below.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
15013 Denver West Parkway | Golden, Colorado 80401-3305
United States
Email: tyler.stehly@nrel.gov