
Task 43 Events

Upcoming events

IEA Wind Task 43 Annual General Meeting 2025

Golden, CO, USA

We are pleased to announce that the IEA Wind Task 43 Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2025 will be hosted by the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST) at the hotel Denver West Marriott in Golden, CO, USA, on Tuesday, June 10th and Wednesday, June 11th (until midday). An online option will be available.

Programme (Mountain Time)

Tuesday, June 10th (8:30am to 5pm)

08:30 – 09:00 Introduction and key-note

09:00 – 09:30 Overall task update

09:30 – 10:30 WG1 update and workshop

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00 WG2 update and workshop

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 – 14:30 WG3 update and workshop

14:30 – 15:30 WG4 update and workshop

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 17:00 Overlaps and synergies workshop

Wednesday, June 11th (08:30am to 12:30pm)

08:30 – 10:00 Workshop on how to improve communication and dissemination through WeDoWind

10:00 – 10:30 Application example of generative AI: Automated Question-Answering for Interactive Decision Support in Operations & Maintenance of Wind Turbines

  • Joyjit Chatterjee, University of Hull

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 11:30 Application example of generative AI: Intelligent digital twins with wind energy domain knowledge grounding

  • Yuriy Marykovskiy, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences

11:30 – 12:30 Panel discussion: The opportunities and challenges of generative AI in wind energy

  • Joyjit Chatterjee, University of Hull
  • Yuriy Marykovskiy, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
  • Microsoft

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

Further details

Coming soon!


You can register in this Google Form HERE. You do not need to be an IEA Wind Task 43 participant to attend, and participation fees are voluntary. If you need an invitation letter for your visa, please contact The registration deadline is May 23rd, 2025.

Hotel information

We recommend you stay at the Denver Marriott West hotel, which is offering a group rate for 210.00 USD per night

Book your group rate

Last Day to Book: Monday, May 19, 2025

Last year’s event

Here you can read the report about our Annual General Meeting 2024, which took place in Rapperswil, Switzerland.

IEA Wind Task 43 Webinar Series – Knowledge Graph building workshop


Following on from the webinar on “Ontology creation and publishing workshop for the wind energy sector”, we plan a workshop on building knowledge graphs together with the Knowledge Graph Alliance. Coming soon!


Find out more and register here [COMING SOON].

Past events

IEA Wind Task 43 Webinar Series – Launch of the new “IEA Wind Task 43 data user group”: a new framework for SCADA events and alarm systems

December 6th, 2024: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CET

The new “IEA Wind Task 43 Data User Group” aims to serve as a catalyst in streamlining data analytics within the wind industry. We want to foster innovation and efficiency by refining and enhancing the processes involved in analysing data generated from wind energy assets. By leading advancements in this field, we strive to optimise the performance and reliability of wind energy systems, contributing to the broader goal of sustainable energy production.

Our mission is to identify and address the key challenges that impede the effectiveness of SCADA-based data analytics in the wind industry. We are committed to providing clear, actionable guidelines and recommendations that will improve the efficiency, accuracy, and overall value of data analytics activities related to the operation of wind energy assets. By doing so, we aim to empower industry stakeholders to make informed decisions that enhance the performance and longevity of wind turbines and associated infrastructure.

The topic of this first webinar focused on identifying ways SCADA alarm codes/events can be effectively used for fault diagnosis, predictive maintenance, root cause analysis and performance optimisation. Resent literature estimates that operations and maintenance costs for wind turbines can account for 18–30% of the cost of generation of wind power so this indicates a significant motive to investigate modern ways to improve common practices related to reducing this cost. SCADA alarm codes/events offer useful information that can be used to enhance maintenance and root cause analysis of wind turbines but it is observed that they are often underutilised.

If you work with SCADA error codes, you will know that it can be time-consuming to obtain, understand and make them machine-readable. We suggest a unified model for sharing SCADA error codes. But how should this model be built and how should it work? That’s up to the users to define! We started off this discussion today.

Access the slides and the Mentimeter survey results here, and the recording below.



IEA Wind Task 43 Webinar Series – Ontology creation and publishing workshop for the wind energy sector

November 6th, 2024: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CET

Ontologies are structured frameworks that represent knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts. They are important in wind energy because they provide a standardised framework for representing and communicating complex information, enhancing interoperability among diverse systems and stakeholders. In this one-hour webinar, we introduced the concept of ontologies, gave an update on our new ontology hosting portal TechnoPortal, and then ran through the process for creating and publishing your own ontology on the TechnoPortal.

Access the slides here and recording below:

IEA Wind Task 43 Webinar Series – Why does the wind energy sector need to start talking about digital twin architecture?

September 20th: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CET

Digital twins are a key technology for the wind energy sector due to their ability to provide virtual replicas of physical wind turbines and wind farms. Understanding the architecture of digital twins is important as it ensures seamless integration, interoperability, and scalability of the digital twins. In this one-hour webinar, we first heard two examples of digital twin “use cases” from the sector, followed by two architecture design example projects, and ending with a discussion and Mentimeter quiz where the participants discussed their thoughts, needs and other inputs on the topic!

Access the slides here and recording below:


Annual General Meeting 2024

June 17th-19th 2024, Rapperswil, Switzerland

Our Annual General Meeting 2024 took place at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil (OST), Switzerland. The three days involved a “Task progress day”, a “Digital skills day” and a “WeDoWind day”. You can read the report of the event here.


Culture and coopetition for driving digitalisation

Feb. 29th 2024, 16:00 CET 

In this webinar, we discussed some inspiring examples of how culture and coopetition can help drive digitalisation. After hearing IEA Wind Task 43’s vision for an holistic people-centred collaboration framework, we heard three examples of culture and coopetition, followed by a Q&A session.

Access the recording here:



Thriving in an increasingly digital ecosystem: Knowledge engineering and knowledge representation

Nov. 7th 2023, 16:00 CET with Yuriy Marykovskiy

In this webinar, we explored key insights from a new paper “Knowledge Engineering in Wind  Energy” lead by the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and ETH Zurich, which addresses the pressing need for effective data management and knowledge representation in the industry.

Access the recording here:


Metadata Challenge Webinar Series

Between December 2022 and July 2023 we hosted a total of seven webinars about data and metadata. The recordings are available on our Youtube channel here

Since November 2023, this webinar series has been replaced with the IEA Wind Task 43 Webinar Series (see above).

WG4 (Use case demonstration) task extension launch workshop

Jan. 24th 2024, 16:00 CET

In this webinar, we launched the new WG4 (Use Case Demonstration)! We started by giving an overview of the planned tasks of the group and then introduced the current participants and activities. After that, participants had the opportunity to make suggestions and give their inputs regarding the implementation and prioritisation of the activities. At the end, we defined next steps.

Access the recording here:



WG1 (Data) task extension launch workshop

September 12th, 2023, 15:00-16:30 CEST

In this webinar, we launched the new WG1 (Data)! We started by giving an overview of the planned tasks of the group and then introduced the current participants and activities. After that, participants all had the opportunity to make suggestions and give your inputs regarding the implementation and prioritisation of the activities. At the end, we defined next steps.

Access the recording here:


WG2 (Culture) and WG3 (Coopetition) task extension launch workshop

September 14th, 2023, 15:00-16:30 CEST

In this webinar, we will launched the new WG2 (Culture) and WG3 (Coopetition) in a joint webinar. We started by giving an overview of the planned tasks of the group. After that, the participants made suggestions and give your inputs regarding the implementation and prioritisation of the activities. At the end, we defined next steps.

Access the recording here:


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