Work Package 4
Standardization, Certification and Legislation
Legislation and standards are powerful levers to promote the recycling of products. In this WP, the various legislative tools and existing legislations framing the recycling of wind turbine blades will be reviewed as well as standards and certification schemes. The review will also look into sectors facing similar challenges and include legislation for glass fiber composites in general. The WP will provide a preliminary review at the beginning of the task at M6 (Milestone 4.1) so that the other topical WP can analyze the influence of potential legislation and standards on the technical aspect of recycling as well as on the economic, environmental, and social dimension of recycling. Towards the end of the task, WP4 will collect the knowledge and analysis performed in WP2 and WP3 in order to formulate the guidelines for the treatment of end-of-life wind turbine blades and how to best implement a recycling or other end-of-life solution.

Kevin Smith
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