Task 1.1 Available Data Sets
Meteorological data from tall towers
The Tall Tower Dataset is a database of 250+ tall towers around the world compiled with a common format (netCDF) and quality controlled. For some towers the latest data is from 2016. See “The Tall Tower Dataset: a unique initiative to boost wind energy research” for a description of the quality control, and a list of the towers in the supplement.
ICOS, the Integrated Carbon Observation System, includes several high towers with wind measureents in Europe (see below).
IEA Wind Task 43 has a list with different types of open data resources some of which is also data from masts.

Helmut Frank
DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst
Site name | Coordinates | altitude above MSL | Tower height | URL | Contact | Data policy | Data format | Obs. period | Other |
Cabauw, NL | 4.926° E, 51.97° N | -0.7 m | 200 m | www.cesar-observatory.nl/index.php | marcel.brinkenberg@knmi.nl | Cesar data policy | netCDF | 2000-04-01 to previous month | |
IJmuiden, NL | 3.436° N, 52.848° E | 0 m | 92 m | www.windopzee.net/en/meteomast-ijmuiden-mmij/ | hans.verhoef@tno.nl. Registration for data | Ask here for permission | 2012 - 2018 | Offshore North Sea | |
Risø, DK | 12.088° E, 55.694° N | 0 m | 125 m | rodeo.dtu.dk/rodeo/ProjectOverview.aspx?&Project=5&Rnd=975820 | Allan Vesth | Ask nicely | xlsx | 1995-11-20 - | Data measured since 1958; some months break in 2008. |
Østerild, DK | 8.88080° E, 57.04888° N | 9 m | 250 m | rodeo.dtu.dk/rodeo/ProjectOverview.aspx?&Project=179&Rnd=975820 | Yoram Eisenberg | Ask nicely | xlsx | 2015-01-28 - | Two 250m masts in 4.3 km distance, both instrumented. Additionally, 7 smaller masts up to turbine hub heights. |
Taggen, SE | 14.519° E, 55.8726° N | 0 m | 100 m | rodeo.dtu.dk/rodeo/ProjectOverview.aspx?&Project=174&Rnd=758000 | Göran Loman | 2014-07-29 to 2017-09-16 | Offshore. Owned by Vattenfall. | ||
Stora Middelgrund, SE | 12.1047° E, 56.5613° N | 0 m | 120 m | rodeo.dtu.dk/rodeo/ProjectOverview.aspx?&Project=88&Rnd=758000 | Karen Enevoldsen | 2008-11-28 - 2015-12-22 | Offshore. | ||
FINO 1, DE | 6.588° E, 54.015° N | 0 m | 100 m | www.fino1.de/en/, fino.bsh.de | fino@bsh.de kai.herklotz@bsh.de, olaf.outzen@bsh.de | General terms and conditions for data use of FINO | ASCII | since 01/2004 | Offshore North Sea, INNWIND.EU report Deliverable 1.11 (pages 10f) |
FINO 2, DE | 13.1542° E, 55.0069° N | 0 m | 100 m | www.fino2.de/en/, fino.bsh.de | fino@bsh.de kai.herklotz@bsh.de, olaf.outzen@bsh.de | General terms and conditions for data use of FINO | ASCII | since 08/2007 | Offshore Baltic Sea, INNWIND.EU report Deliverable 1.11 (pages 10f) |
FINO 3, DE | 7.158° E, 55.195° N | 0 m | 100 m | www.fino3.de/en/, fino.bsh.de | fino@bsh.de kai.herklotz@bsh.de, olaf.outzen@bsh.de | General terms and conditions for data use of FINO | ASCII | since 09/2009 | Offshore North Sea, INNWIND.EU report Deliverable 1.11 (pages 10f) |
KIT, DE | 8.426° E, 49.0925° N | 110.4 m | 200 m | www.imk-tro.kit.edu/english/7779.php www.imk.kit.edu/messmast | martin.kohler@kit.edu | since 1972-12-01 | |||
Hamburg, DE | 10.105139° E, 53.519917° N | 0.3 m | 280 m | wettermast.uni-hamburg.de or www.cen.uni-hamburg.de | ingo.lange@uni-hamburg.de, felix.ament@uni-hamburg.de | Data policy (in german) | ASCII | since 1995 | Descriptioni of mast in Brümmer et al. |
Falkenberg, MOL-RAO, DE | 14.12° E, 52.17° N | 73 m | 98 m | MOL-RAO Profile Measurements at Towers and Masts | frank.beyrich@dwd.de | ASCII netCDF | since 2003 | Data from CEOP | |
Iowa Environmental Mesonet A1, USA | 93.3572° W, 42.19676° N | 344m | 120 m | https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/projects/iao/ | E. S. Takle (gstakle@iastate.edu) | contact G. Takle | since June 2016 | 22 km from A2, within 200-turbine wind farm | |
Iowa Environmental Mesonet A2, USA | 93.51945° W, 42.34575° N | 357m | 120 m | https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/projects/iao/ | E. S. Takle (gstakle@iastate.edu) | contact G. Takle | since June 2016 | 22 km from A1, outside wind farm. Plus sodar wind profiler since May 2018 | |
NREL Flatirons Campus (M2), USA | 105.2347° W, 39.9106° N | 1855 m | 82 m | midcdmz.nrel.gov/apps/sitehome.pl?site=NWTC | david.jager@nrel.gov | Jager & Andreas (1996) dx.doi.org/10.5439/1052222 | ASCII | since 1996 | 1 min resolution |
National Wind Technology Center (M5), USA | 105.23° W, 39.6° N | 1835 m | 135 m | wind.nrel.gov/MetData/M5Twr/ | George.Scott@nrel.gov | NREL: Wind Data and Tools | ASCII | M4 from 2012 to 2015, M5 since 2013 | Next to tower M2 (above). |
Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO), USA | 105.0° W, 40.05° N | 1584 m | 300 m | www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/technology/bao/ | daniel.wolfe@noaa.gov | README_BAO.pdf | ASCII | 1977 to 2016 | Unfortunatelly the tower was decommissoned on 2016-07-31. |
Other lists of tower data or wind at or above 100m
- ICOS Integrated Carbon Observation System: ICOS is the European Integrated Carbon Observation System to measure the carbon cycle. Greenhouse gases and meteorological variables including wind are measured at sites in Europe. Several sites are towers with wind observations above 50 m agl, e.g. Gartow in Germany (341 m), Křešín u Pacova in the Czech Republic (250 m), Trainou in France (180 m), Hyytiälä in Finnland (125m). Data can be downloaded from the ICOS Data Portal .
- The Tall Tower Dataset at INDECIS Data portal. See top.
- IEA Wind Task 43 has a list with different types of open data resources some of which is also data from masts.
- DTU Wind Energy online data projects:
- UK offshore masts from UK Marine Data Exchange
- Atmosphere to Electrons of the US Department of Energy lists data from many projects. We want to point out:
- WFIP2 data, or WFIP2 at NOAA.
- Buoy LIDAR project with LIDAR observations of offshore winds
- BPA Meteorological Information: Meteorological Information from BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) Weather Sites in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. However, the tallest tower is only 63 m high.
- Wind Atlas for South Africa data, 10 masts of 100m across the country.
- The Wind Resource Assessment Group wiki has datasets and mast data, partially overlapping the results here.
Status: February 2024, Helmut Frank (DWD) Gregor Giebel (DTU), Andrew Clifton (enviConnect), Will Shaw (PNNL).