
Forecasting for underserved areas

WS: WP1 Weather WP2 Power WP3 Applications Deliverable #, Due Collaboration
Forecasting for underserved areas (WP2) X Public dataset D2.4 / M24 WMO

Forecasting in the established markets like Europe, North America or China has both a long tradition, and a well-established infrastructure. But in sync with the wind industry opening up new markets for the technology, the grid operators and/or market participants need good solutions to deal with the novel influx of power. However, both data availability and possibly market or grid code structures might be quite different in those places. The quality of the forecast needs to be provided by the vendors, which is why this WS is run by WP2. The recommended practices for the implementation of renewable energy forecasting solutions will also serve the under-served markets as valuable guidelines. An adaptation considering the limitations of under-served or emerging countries will be one focus area in collaboration with WP1.

D 2.4: Inventory and web interface of data and tools for forecasting applications in underserved areas. (M24)
