




GeoSphere Austria, National Weather Service, Vienna; Austro Control Digital Services GmbH, Vienna;
WEB Windenergie AG;


China Electric Power Research Institute; China Meteorological Administration; Envision; North China Electric Power University; Xinjiang Goldwind; Zhejiang Windey


Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Danish Meteorological Institute; DNV; ENFOR; WEPROG; Energinet; ConWX; Ea Energianalyse.
Finland VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; FMI; Vaisala
France MINES ParisTech; MeteoSwift; MetEolien; Electricité de France; Compagnie Nationale du Rhône; Engie Green; Réseau de transport d’électricité


Deutscher Wetterdienst; Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology; ForWind; Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung; WindForS; EWC; 4cast; Stuttgart University; Enercon; Tennet


Technological University of Dublin; University College Dublin


INESC TEC; Prewind; Smartwatt; Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia


Iberdrola Renovables; Electricidade do Portugal Renovaveis; Red Electrica de España


University of Uppsala, Uppsala; AQ Systems, Stockholm

United Kingdom

MetOffice; Reading University; Strathclyde University; UK National Grid

United States

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; National Renewable Energy Laboratory; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; National Center for Atmospheric Research; Electric Power Research Institute; UL Renewables; MESO, Inc.

Who can participate in Task 51?

To participate in the research activities of Task 51, researchers must reside in a country that participates in the IEA Wind Agreement AND has agreed by official letter to participate in Task 51.

The participating member country of the IEA Wind TCP must designate a lead institution that agrees to the obligations of Task participation (pay the annual fee and agree to perform specified parts of the work plan).

Active researchers (performing part of the work plan) benefit from meetings and professional exchange during the term of the Task.

Countries participating in the Task benefit from the information developed by the Task. The value of the research performed is many times the cost of the country participation fee or the labor contributed to carrying out the work plan.

For more information, contact the Operating Agents (contact information below) or the Secretary of the IEA Wind TCP.

Operating Agents

Please contact the Operating Agents below with any questions

Gregor Giebel, DTU Wind Energy, Operating Agent

Gregor Giebel

Task 51 Operating Agent

Caroline Draxl

Task 51 Operating Agent

Corinna Möhrlen

Task 51 Task Manager