
Workshops & Special Sessions


IEA Minute-Scale Forecasting Workshop , DTU Wind Risø Campus, Roskilde, 10th -11th April, 2024

A collaborative workshop of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Wind Task 51 Forecasting for the weather-driven Energy System, IEA Wind Task 52 Lidars, IEA Wind Task 50, Hybrid Power Plants, IEA Wind Task 44 Wind Farm Flow Control and IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) Task 16 Solar Resource

Presentations provided for publication from the workshop:

01 Challenges and where we see the greatest benefit from accurate high-resolution forecasts
Martin Lørup Stensdal

02 Probabilistic solar forecasts as a binary event using sky camera
Methieu David

03 Minute-scale wind forecasting introduction
Elliot Simon

04 Spatio-temporal solar forecasting
Rodrigo Amaro e Silva

05 Benefit of an All Sky Imager Network for Satellite-Based Solar Irradiance Forecasts
Jorge Lezaca

06 Enhancing PV Forecasting through Sky Imaging and Irradiance Analysis
Andreas Boschert

07 High resolution solar irradiance forecasting using All Sky Imagers and machine learning
Nils Straub

08 Extreme wind and solar ramping events in All-Island of Ireland
Ndamulelo Mararakanye

09 On the benefits and challenges of high-resolution ensemble forecasts for minute-scale ramping applications
Corinna Möhrlen

10 Reducing power system imbalance forecast errors using short-term wind (and solar) power forecasts
Jon Olauson

11 Leveraging Generative Models for Enhanced Solar Irradiance Ramp Detection
Yann Fabel

12 Graph machine learning for short-term PV forecasting
Rafael Carrillo

13 Evaluation of the impact of local sensing data and feature extraction techniques on high frequency intra-hour irradiance forecasting
Erling W. Eriksen

14 Predicting surface solar irradiance from satellite imagery with deep learning radiative transfer emulation
Angela Meyer

15 Measuring the unpredictable.
Robin Conseil

16 AI based weather prediction for wind power forecasting
Jie Yan

17 Prediction of ramp events using lidar-based minute-scale power forecast
Janna Kristina Seifert


22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop,Kng. Lyngby, Denmark, 26. – 28. September 2023 

Corinn Möhrlen, John Zack, Gregor Giebel, IEA Wind Recommended Practice for the Implementation of Renewable Forecasting Solutions: hands-on examples for the use of the guideline. [Paper] and [Presentation]

Corinna Möhrlen, Johan Arnqvist, Jess Jørgensen, Pelle Hurtig, Sten-Ove Rodén, André Gräsman, Ebba Dellwik, EARS4WindEnergy – next level wind integration by listening to the wind. [Presentation]

7th International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM): Towards climate-resilient energy systems, Padova, Italy, 27-29 Jun 2023
Giebel, G, Frank, H, Draxl, C, Zack, J, Browell, J, Möhrlen, C, Kariniotakis, G, Bessa, R & Lenaghan, D: IEA Wind Task 51 “Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System”.

Wind Euopre, Copenhagen, 23.-25. April 2023

Corinna Möhrlen, John Zack and Gregor Giebel, 1st Renewable Energy Forecasting Industry Guideline: IEA Wind Recommended Practice for the Implementation of Renewable Energy Forecasting Solutions.  [Poster]

Corinna Möhrlen and Nadine Fleischhut, Extreme Event Decision-Making in a high-wind Energy System. [Poster]

General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April 2023.

Gregor Giebel, Caroline Draxl, Helmut Frank, John Zack, Jethro Browell, Corinna Möhrlen, George Kariniotakis, Ricardo Bessa, David Lenaghan, IEA Wind Forecasting for the weather-driven Energy, .[Poster]

International RAVE Workshop 2023

Corinna Möhrlen, “IEA Wind Recommended Practice Measurement Control and ensemble based Analysis of Observation used in real-time Wind Energy Forecast Applications”,. [Presentation]



21st International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants
, Den Haag, 12.-14. October 2022

SESSION 10A: IEA WIND TASK 51 – 11:20 – 13:45 | 12 October 2022
IEA Wind Task 51 Forecasting for the weather-driven Energy System – An Overview
J Zack, C. Möhrlen,  G. Giebel, H. Frank, C. Draxl, J. Browell, G. Kariniotakis,  R. J. Bessa, D. Leneghan   [Paper] (pdf 320kb) [Presentation]  (pdf 4.6 MB)


Kick-off Meeting of the new Task 51 “Forecasting for the weather-driven Energy System”, Online 2/3. Feb. 2022
Introductory Presentation by Operating Agent Gregor Giebel
Paul Fleming, NREL: IEA Wind Task 44 Farm Flow Control
David Schlipf, HS Flensburg: IEA Wind Task 32 Lidar
Kristian Petrick, Airborne Wind Europe: IEA Wind Task 48 Airborne Wind Energy
Jennifer King, NREL, or Kaushik Das, DTU: IEA Wind Task 50 Hybrid Wind Power Plants
Jan Remund, Meteotest: IEA PVPS Task 16 Solar Resource for High Penetration and Large Scale Applications
Paulo Partidário, DGEG: The Hydrogen TCP and its connection to Task 51
Elina Mäki, VTT: IEA Bioenergy TCP, Task 44 Flexible Bioenergy and System Integration
Roberta Boscolo, WMO: The WMO Study Group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE)

New Workstream Presentations
Atmospheric physics and modelling (WP1, Helmut Frank)
Airborne Wind Energy Systems (WP1, Helmut Frank)
Seasonal forecasting (WP1, Caroline Draxl and John Zack)
Uncertainty / probabilistic forecasting (WP3, Jie Yan or Corinna Möhrlen)
Decision making under uncertainty (WP3, Corinna Möhrlen)
Extreme power system events (WP3, Corinna Möhrlen)
Data science and artificial intelligence (WP3, Ricardo Bessa and George Kariniotakis)
Privacy, data markets and sharing (WP3, Ricardo Bessa)
Value of forecasting (WP3, Janos Hethey)
Forecasting for underserved areas (WP2, Jethro Browell)
Forecasting in the design phase (WP3, John Zack and Jethro Browell)
Minute scale forecasting (WP2, Tuhfe Göçmen)

American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Online, 26th Jan. 2022EST
13th Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy
11.1 – Best Practices for the Selection of Optimal Forecast Solutions for Renewable Electricity Generation Applications (Core Science Keynote)

Dr. John W. Zack and Dr. Corinna Möhrlen

IEA Wind Task 36/51
Recommended Practice for Forecast Solution Selection Edition 2 [Presentation] (1.2MB)
Probabilistic Forecasting Games and Experiments Initiative
[Presentation] (3.6MB)



Wind Europe Electric City 2021, Copenhagen, 23.-25.11.2021

How do Humans decide under Wind Power Forecast Uncertainty?”, Corinna Möhrlen, Ricardo Bessa, Gregor Giebel, Nadine Fleischhut
Session “Forecasting” on 25th Nov. 2021 11:45 – 12.30 Auditorium 15
[Poster] (Award Winner!) (2.5Mb) | [Presentation] (5.4MB) | OpenAccess [Paper]


20th International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants   Conference Date: 29 – 30 September 2021 Location: Berlin, Germany

Games and other news from IEA wind task 36 forecasting for wind energy, G. Giebel ; W. Shaw ; H. Frank ; C. Draxl ; J. Zack; P. Pinson ; C. Möhrlen ; G. Kariniotakis; R. Bessa

[Paper] and [Presentation]


EMS 2021 – European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
ES2.2 Dealing with Uncertainties
Conveners: Nadine Fleischhut, Vanessa Fundel, Jelmer Jeuring, Bruno Joly, Mark A. Liniger, Ken Mylne, Anders Doksæter Sivle
Lightning talks | Mon, 06 Sep, 14:00–15:30 (CEST), Tue, 07 Sep, 14:00–15:30 (CEST)

EMS2021-495: Communicating warnings for extreme events: use-case of a high-speed shutdown warning system for a system operator with high wind power penetration
Corinna Möhrlen, WEPROG, [Presentation](1.3Mb)

EMS2021-500  IEA Wind Task 36 “Probabilistic Forecasting Games and Experiments” Initiative
Corinna Möhrlen, Ricardo Bessa, and Gregor Giebel [Presentation](1.8Mb)


ESIG 2021 Meteorology & Market Design for Grid Services Workshop — ONLINE —
Session 3: Probabilistic Forecasting: State-of-Art and Use in Operations, Tuesday, June 8  — 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (US-EDT)
Ensemble-Based Dynamic Ramping Reserve Forecasts: An Irish Case Study
Corinna Möhrlen,  [Presentation] (1.5Mb) Video [this presentation]

Session 4: Global Advances in Forecasting, Thursday, June 10  — 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. (US-EDT)
IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting Recommendations
Gregor Giebel, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark, [Presentation]  and Video [session] 


Wind Energy Science Conference • 25 – 28 May 2021 • Hannover, Germany
Mini Symposium”Wind Power Forecasting” under Theme 1 Wind Resources, Wind farms and Wakes
ONLINE, 25.05.2021 13.40 – 15.20 CEST & 15.30 – 17.10 CEST

Insight into Human Decision-making from Probabilistic Forecast Games and Experiments: an IEA Wind Task 36 initiative, Corinna Möhrlen (WEPROG) and Nadine Fleischhut (MPI), Ricardo J. Bessa (INESCTEC)
[Presentation] (pdf 1.22MB)



The 19th Wind Integration Workshop International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems was in the Corona year 2020 and held online from the 11th -12th of November. The IEA Wind Task 36 had a special session, introducing the task and providing an update and news on the projects within the task. The main contributions dealt with the validation of NWP model improvements, wind power forecasting data definitions and standards,  a summary and provision of evaluation examples from the recommended practices guidelines on forecast solutions election, and a summary of the first experiment of the wind power forecasting experiment and games initiative. See publications in form of presentations and papers here.


19th Wind Integration Workshop International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems

ONLINE Workshop, 11 – 12 November 2020

11:15 – 13:00 | 12 November 2020 | Session Chair: Gregor Giebel (DTU Wind Energy, Denmark)


IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting – An Overview

G. Giebel (DTU Wind Energy, Denmark), W. Shaw (PNNL, United States), H. Frank (Deutscher Wetterdienst DWD,
Germany), C. Draxl (NREL, United States), J. Zack (UL Services Group, United States), P. Pinson (DTU Elektro, Denmark), C. Möhrlen (WEPROG, Denmark), G. Kariniotakis (Mines ParisTech, France), R. J. Bessa (INESC TEC, Portugal) (Submission-ID WIW20/128)
Paper / Presentation


Validation of Numerical Model Improvements through Public Data Sets and Code

C.Draxl, J. Lee (National Renewable Energy Laboratory –NREL, United States), W.Shaw, L. Berg (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States)


Practical Application Examples from the Recommended Practices for Forecast Solution Selection

J. Zack (UL Services Group, United States), C. Möhrlen (WEPROG, Denmark) (Submission? ID WIW20?108)
Paper / Presentation


Wind Power Forecasting Data Definitions and Exchange Standards– An Approach for a Recommended Practice Built upon International Standards and an Eye Towards the Future

J. Lerner, M. Westenholz (ENFOR, Denmark) Submission‐IDWIW20‐126)
Paper / Presentation


Insight on Human Decision-making from Probabilistic Forecast Games and Experience: an IEA Wind Task 36 initiative

C. Möhrlen (WEPROG, Denmark), N. Fleischhut (Max-Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany), R. J. Bessa (INESC TEC, Portugal) (Submission-ID WIW20-98)
Paper / Presentation


IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting Special Session on the online ESIG Meteorology & Market Design for Grid Services Workshop, June 25, 2020

Please refer to the ESIG page on the workshop, where everything is online. You may need to scroll down to one of the last sessions.


IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting Workshop at Strathclyde University of Glasgow, January 21, 2020

Gregor Giebel (DTU)

Introduction to the Workshop

Jethro Browell (Strathclyde)

Leveraging turbine-level data for improved forecast performance

John Zack (MESO inc)

IEA Wind Recommended Practice on Renewable Energy Forecast Solution Selection

David Lenaghan (National Grid ESO)

A Brief history of UK National Grids Forecasting Development

Tilman Koblitz (WindPoint)

Benefits of Probabilistic Forecasting in Power Trading

Corinna Möhrlen (WEPROG) and Nadine Fleischhut (MPI)

Probabilistic Forecast Game

Corinna Möhrlen (WEPROG)

OpenSpace Discussion and Forecasting Game Analysis

Will Shaw (PNNL)

Panel: Bridging the gap between forecast innovation and business as usual (see  YouTube channel at Minute: 6:30:45

Video at IEA Wind Forecasting YouTube channel


18th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plant, Dublin, Ireland, October 16.-18, 2019

G. Giebel, W. Shaw, H. Frank, C. Draxl, J. Zack, P. Pinson, C. Möhrlen, G. Kariniotakis, R. Bessa

IEA Wind Task 36: The New Phase for the Wind Power Forecasting Task

C. Möhrlen, U. Vestergaard (WEPROG), J. Ryan, K. Conway, S. Griffin (EIRGRID) 

Probabilistic forecasting tools for high-wind penetration areas: an Irish case study




IEA Wind Task 36 OpenSpace Workshop

Overview Presentation including the workshop results


IEA Wind Task 36 Session Topic 2: Meteorological Measurements and instrumentation standardization for integration into grid codes: what can we learn from the WMO?


IEA Wind Task 36 Session Topic 4: Recommended Practices on Forecast Solution Selection: which areas are not covered sufficiently?



ICEM 2019, DTU Campus, Lyngby, 26 June 2019

G. Giebel (2019)

IEA Wind Task 36 “Wind Energy Forecasting”, Open Space Workshop


John Zack, Corinna Mohrlen, Jeff Lerner , Jethro Browell, Jakob Messner, Caroline Draxl

Recommended Practices Guidelines for Forecast Solution Selection



Wind Energy Science Conference, Lyngby, 26-29 June 2017

G. Giebel, J. Cline, H. Frank, W. Shaw, B-M. Hodge, P. Pinson, J. Messner, G. Kariniotakis, C. Draxl and C. Möhrlen (2017)

IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting



IEA Wind Task 36 OpenSpace Workshop

Overview Presentation including the workshop results



The UVIG Forecasting Workshop 2017, Atlanta (US), 21-22 June 2017

J. W. Zack (2017)

Wind and solar forecasting trials experience: do’s and don’ts, Part 2


C. Collier (2017)

Why Do Forecast Trials Often Fail to Answer the Questions for which End-Users Need Answers: A Forecaster’s Point of View


T. Maupin (2017)

Wind and Solar Forecasting Trials: Do’s and Don’ts, Part 1 Best practices


C. Möhrlen (2017)

Use of Probabilistic Forecasting Tools in Energy Trading


C. Möhrlen (2017)

Meteorological Data Collection: Results from Eirgrid’s Met Mast and Alternatives Study


C. Möhrlen (2017)

IEA Wind Task 36: Wind Energy Forecasting


C. Möhrlen (2017)

UVIG Forecasting Tutorial: Applying Meteorology in Power System Planning and Operations


C. Möhrlen, inputs from G. Nolan (2017)

Findings from the EIRGRID Met Mast and Alternatives Study, Session 1


C. Möhrlen (2017)

Applications and Value of Uncertainty Forecasts



AMS General Meeting 2017 in Seattle

Eighth Conference on Weather, Climate, Water and the New Energy Economy, part of the 97th American Meteorological Society General Meeting, Seattle (US), 23 – 26 January 2017

We had a special session (part 1part 2) on the AMS General Meeting 2017 in Seattle, including an overview talk:

G. Giebel, J. Cline, H. Frank, W. Shaw, P. Pinson, B-M. Hodge, G. Kariniotakis, J. Madsen, and C. Möhrlen (2017)

IEA Wind Task 36 on Wind Power Forecasting and Future Research Issues

Presentation-version / Narration-version


15th Int. Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Vienna (AT), 15 – 17 November 2016. 

C. Möhrlen, R.J. Bessa, M. Barthod, G. Goretti and M. Siefert (2016)

Use of Forecast Uncertainties in the Power Sector: State of the Art of Business Practices

Paper-version / Presentation-version


TORQUE 2016: The Science of Making Torque from Wind Conference, München, 5-7 Oktober, 2016

G. Giebel, J. Cline, H. Frank, W. Shaw, P. Pinson, B-M. Hodge, G. Kariniotakis, J. Madsen, and C. Möhrlen (2016)

Wind power forecasting: IEA Wind Task 36 & future research issues

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2016) 032042, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/3/032042.
Paper-version / Presentation-version


IEA Wind Task 36 Workshop on State of the Art, Barcelona, 9 June 2016

On 9 June 2016, we held the workshop Experiences in using Wind Power Predictions 
and Gaps in Forecasting Research
in Barcelona.

We now have the slides online. The entire seminar can be watched on our YouTube channel. The main findings of the seminar are summarized in a paper we wrote for the conference “The Science of Making Torque from Wind” in Munich, 5-7 Okt. 2016.”
