Minute-Scale Forecasting Workshop 10.-11. April 2024 | DTU Risø Campus Roskilde, DK

27 February 2024
Posted in Task 51
27 February 2024 Corinna Möhrlen

Minute-Scale Forecasting Workshop 10.-11. April 2024 | DTU Risø Campus Roskilde, DK

Forecasts of wind and clouds are important inputs for the control and value of renewable power plants. The forecasts on a time resolution of minutes or seconds are typically data driven, looking at upstream plants, all-sky images of clouds or direct measurements of wind by lidars. Therefore, to facilitate the dissemination of information about minute scale forecasting products, skill, applications, issues, and best practices to members of the electric energy community, we invite you to a Minute Scale Forecasting workshop with the goal of gathering information about

  • methods used to produce the forecasts
  • the current state-of-the-art skill and uncertainty in forecasting for variables on high temporal resolution
  • current and planned research activities intended to improve the current level of skill
  • types of public and private sector operational forecasting products
  • the range of minute scale applications in the energy community
  • the quantified or perceived value obtained from those applications
  • the sensitivity of user’s application performance to variations in forecast skill
  • the unmet minute-scale forecasting-related needs or desires of the energy user community.

The workshop takes place as the collaboration of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Wind Task 51 “Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy
System”, IEA Wind Task 52 Lidars, IEA Wind Task 50 Hybrid Power Plants, IEA Wind Task 44 Wind Farm Flow Control and IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems
Programme (PVPS) Task 16 Solar Resource.

The venue is at DTU’s Risø Campus in Roskilde, Denmark in building 112 – see details about the campus here.

Preliminary Agenda and Program can be seen here

Please note: this session layout reflects current thinking. If you want to present something fitting to the general topic of minute scale forecasting of renewables,please contact the organisers (aeish@dtu.dk) and we will find a place for you.

The Workshop is free of charge, but requires registration: https://www.conferencemanager.dk/workshopminutescaleforecastingfortheweatherdrivenenergysystem