
Task Directory


IEA Wind TCP Research Tasks

The IEA Wind Technology Collaboration Programme’s (TCP) cooperative efforts continue to advance the technological development and global deployment of wind energy technology. The IEA Wind TCP is a vehicle for member countries to exchange information on the planning and execution of national large-scale wind system projects, and to undertake co-operative research and development (R&D) projects called Tasks.

Participation in a research Task is open to any organization located in Member Countries or Sponsor Members of the IEA Wind TCP. Cooperative research is carried out as research, development, and deployment projects of the IEA Wind TCP. Technical reports, fact sheets, and recommended practices are released publicly to benefit the wind energy community.

Click here to learn more about the IEA Wind TCP.


Active Tasks

The Atmosphere

Task 44 Flow Farm Control coordinates international research in the fields of wind farm flow control.
Task 44 website

Task 49 Integrated Design on Floating wind Arrays (IDeA) aims to accelerate the sustainable commercialization of floating wind arrays.
Task 49 website

Task 51 Forecasting for the weather driven Energy System focuses on improving the value of renewable energy forecasts. The energy system incorporates not only the power system, i.e. electricity, but also sector coupling and storage, which will naturally entail stronger collaboration with IEA PVPS Task 16 on the solar resource, and other IEA TCPs (hydropower, hydrogen, biomass, airborne wind) as well as the WMO Study Group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE).
Task 51 website

Task 52 Large-Scale Deployment of Wind Lidar
Task 52 website

Task 54 Cold Climate Wind Power
Task 54 website

The Turbine

Task 43 Wind Energy Digitalization aims to help bring about a revolution in the way technology is used in the wind energy industry.
Task 43 website

Task 46 Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades aims to better understand the key technical challenges in blade erosion.
Task 46 website

Task 47 TURBINIA TURBulent INflow Innovative Aerodynamics aims to cooperate in the field of detailed aerodynamic measurements on MW scale wind turbines.
Task 47 website

Task 48 Airborne Wind Energy aims to build a strong community that works together to identify and mitigate the barriers to the development and deployment of airborne wind energy systems.
Task 48 website

The Plant and Grid

Task 25 Design and Operation of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power formulate best practice recommendations for system impact and integration studies that facilitate economically feasible wind energy penetration in electric power systems.
Task 25 website

Task 37 Wind Energy Systems Engineering aims to apply a holistic systems engineering approach across the wind energy system, addressing changing expectations on performance, reliability, and cost.
Task 37 website

Task 41 Enabling Wind to Contribute to a Distributed Energy Future coordinates international research on distributed wind turbine technology, technology development, or assessment to allow distributed wind to integrate into future markets, and processes or procedures to support the cost-effective development of distributed wind technologies.

Task 50 Hybrid Power Plants coordinates international research and development in the field of hybrid wind power plants.
Task 50 website

Task 55 REFWIND Reference Wind Turbines and Plants
Task 55 website

Task 61 Variable Renewable Energy to Hydrogen (VRE-H2) Collaborative Task The primary objection of Task 61 (VRE-H2) is to advance the energy transition by examining the production of clean hydrogen from wind and solar resources, termed Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) sources.
Task 61 website

Environmental Co-design

Task 34 Working Together to Resolve the Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) is the leading international forum for facilitating the deployment of wind energy technology around the globe through a better understanding of environmental issues and demonstrated solutions for wildlife challenges.
Task 34 website

Task 42 Wind Turbine Lifetime Extension focuses on wind turbine lifetime extension and coordinates international research activities towards the assessment of the remaining operational life of wind turbines near the end of their certified design life and identification of strategies for extending the end of useful life
Task 42 website

Task 45 Recycling wind turbine blades covers many facets of wind turbine blade recycling.
Task 45 website

Social Science

Task 28 Social Acceptance of Wind Energy Projects serves as an international forum and working group involving Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States.
Task 28 website

Task 39 Quiet Wind Turbine Technology exchanges learning and identifies and report best practices in the measurement and assessment of noise to accelerate the development and deployment of quiet wind turbine technology.
Task 39 website

Task 53 Wind Energy Economics evaluates cost and value primarily in the context of anticipated deep decarbonization developments and emerging wind energy applications
Task 53 website

Collaborative Communication

Task 11 Base Technology Exchange promotes and disseminates knowledge on emerging wind energy topics through Topical Expert Meetings (TEMs), where invited experts exchange information on R&D topics of common interest to the IEA Wind TCP members. The Task also develops IEA Wind TCP Recommended Practices which have served as the basis for both international and national standards.
Task 11 website

Completed Tasks

Task 40 Downwind Turbine Technology: The objective of Task 40 is to coordinate international research and investigate the benefits of downwind turbine technology toward the reduction of levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and proliferation of onshore and offshore wind plants.
Task 40 website

Task 36 Forecasting for Wind Energy focuses on improving the value of wind energy forecasts to the wind industry. These challenges are represented in the Task’s three Work Packages.
Task 36 website

Task 35 Full-Size Ground Testing for Wind Turbines and their Components formulates recommendations for full-size ground test procedures for rotor blades and nacelles and standardizes them across the test facilities around the world.
Task 35 Summary

Task 33 Reliability Data: Standardizing Wind Turbines Data Collection addressed the data collection and failure statistics in the wind energy sector with the objective of using reliability data to improve reliability and optimize O&M procedures of wind turbines.
Task 33 Summary

Task 32 LIDAR: Wind Lidar Systems for Wind Energy Deployment works to identify and mitigate barriers to the use of lidar for the following applications: site assessment, power performance, loads and control, and complex flow.
Task 32 website

Task 31 Wakebench – International Wind farm Flow Modelling and Evaluation Framework: The objective of Task 31 is to develop an international wind farm flow modeling and evaluation framework.
Task 31 website

Task 30 Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation (OC5) identifies limitations of offshore wind design tools to accurately represent real-world behavior, makes needed improvements to industry design tools, and determines future research and development needs.
Task 30 website

Task 29 Mexnext III: Analysis of Wind Tunnel Measurements and Improvements of Aerodynamic Models works on forming a complete understanding of wind turbine aerodynamics, to improve aerodynamic models used for wind turbine design.
Task 29 website

Task 27 Small Wind Turbines in High Turbulence Sites aims to understand how turbulence impacts small wind turbine production and whether turbulence is appropriately characterized in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 61400-2 for small wind turbines.
Task 27 Summary

Task 26 Cost of Wind Energy seeks to provide information on the cost of wind energy to understand past and present trends and to anticipate future trends using consistent, transparent methodologies.
Task 26 website

Task 24 Integration of Wind and Hydropower Systems conducted cooperative research concerning the generation, transmission, and economics of integrating wind and hydropower systems, and to provide a forum for information exchange.
Task 24 Summary

Task 23 Offshore Wind Technology and Deployment held workshops and developed research projects to increase understanding of issues and technologies to advance the development of wind energy systems offshore
Task 23 Summary

Task 22 Wind Energy Market Acceleration is aimed at conducting programs to assist in the development of new markets for wind power, especially in non-OECD countries.
Task 22 Summary

Task 21 Dynamic Models of Wind Farms for Power System Studies facilitated a coordinated effort to develop wind farm models suitable for use in combination with software packages for simulation and analysis of power system stability.
Task 21 Summary

Task 20 HAWT Aerodynamics and Models from Wind Tunnel Measurements was structured to transition aerodynamics data to accurate, robust wind turbine aerodynamics models for machine design and analysis.
Task 20 Summary

Task 19 Wind Energy in Cold Climates gathers and provides information about wind energy in cold climates, including project development, operation and maintenance (O&M), health, safety and environment (HSE), operational experiences, and recent research.
Task 19 website

Task 18 Enhanced Field Rotor Aerodynamics Database (EFRAD) maintained the Task 14 database and extended the database with new aerodynamic measurements.
Task 18 Summary

Task 17 Data Base on Wind Characteristics provided wind energy planners, designers, and researchers with a source of actual wind field data observed in a wide range of different wind climates and terrain types.
Task 17 Summary

Task 16 Wind Turbine Round Robin Test Program validated wind turbine testing procedures, analyzed and resolved sources of discrepancies, and improved testing methods and procedures.
Task 16 Summary

Task 15 Annual Review of Progress in the Implementation of Wind Energy by the Member Countries of the IEA produced an annual overview of the progress in the commercial development of wind turbine systems in the IEA member countries.
Task 15 Summary

Task 14 Field Rotor Aerodynamics coordinated full-scale aerodynamic test programs on wind turbines to acquire the maximum experimental data at minimum cost.
Task 14 Summary

Task 13 Cooperation in the Development of Large-Scale Wind Systems furthered large wind turbine system (LWTS) development through cooperative action and exchange of information on national LWTS research, development, and demonstration programs.
Task 13 Summary

Task 12 Universal Wind Turbine for Experiments (UNIWEX) was a computer-controlled, two-bladed experimental wind turbine that studied aerodynamics, operational behavior, load spectra, and control strategies for different hub concepts.
Task 12 Summary

Task 9 Intensified Study of Wind Turbine Wake Effects improved the knowledge of aerodynamic interaction between wind turbines operating on a wind farm.
Task 9 Summary

Task 8 Study of Decentralized Applications for Wind Energy defined cost-effective models and techniques suitable for obtaining wind and load data necessary for decentralized wind energy conversion installations.
Task 8 Summary

Task 7 Study of Offshore WECS defined design criteria for an offshore wBcs prototype and outlined a plan for the design, construction, and operation of a possible joint prototype.
Task 7 Summary

Task 6 Study of Local Flow at Potential WECS Hill Sites measured the spatial characteristics of mean wind and turbulence over a typical WECS hill site and assessed the accuracy with which wind flow could be modeled physically and mathematically.
Task 6 Summary

Task 5 Study of Wake Effects Behind Single Turbines and in Wind Turbine Parks conducted theoretical and experimental modeling of turbine cluster performance by combining information on individual wakes with knowledge of machine performance in wake-type flows.
Task 5 Summary

Task 4 Investigation of Rotor Stressing and Smoothness of Operation of large-Scale Wind Energy Conversion Systems aimed to develop and test of LS WECS for rotor stressing while also assessing the technical, economic, and institutional requirements for their widespread use.
Task 4 Summary

Task 3 Integration of Wind Power into National Electricity Supply Systems developed a computer model for determining the economic value of wind energy to a large electric utility.
Task 3 Summary

Task 2 Evaluation of Wind Models for Wind Energy Siting verified selected atmospheric boundary layer numerical models by comparison with each other and with observed data and evaluated the usefulness of such models for wind turbine siting.
Task 2 Summary

Task 1 Environmental and Meteorological Aspects of Wind Energy Conversion Systems studied the environmental impact and operational safety of large-scale WECS, investigated the uncertainty in wind forecasting appropriate for the day-to-day operation of WECS, and recommended design methods for selected load cases.
Task 1 Summary


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