June, 2025
The primary objective of this TEM is to expand and accelerate the effective and responsible use of skillful, robust, safe, reproducible, and trustworthy AI in wind energy.
To achieve this objective, the meeting will serve as a platform to review the current state-of-the-art, existing data and practices, discuss common challenges and adoption barriers, reach consensus on best practices in areas where AI is already in use, and identify immediate opportunities for applying AI to collaboratively address pressing problems.
At the end of the meeting, participants will have reviewed and discussed the state-of-the-art in AI for WE and agreed on actionable, collaborative solutions that can be realistically implemented within the funding constraints, cross-discipline dependencies, and logistical limitations. The state-of-the-art and recommended actions will be summarized in a memo that represents a diverse expert perspective on the topic and identifies fruitful areas for collaboration across existing IEA Wind Tasks and beyond the IEA Wind TCP.
TEM#114 will be jointly hosted with Task 43 annual meeting and will take place at the hotel Denver West Marriott in Golden, CO, USA on June 11th-12th 2025.
The Task 43 Annual General Meeting will be held on June 10th-11th 2025. If you’re interested in learning more or attending, you can visit this link here