IEA Wind TCP Task 60

Harmonised Life Cycle Assessment for Wind Power

About Task 60

CYCLEWIND focuses on the environmental sustainability assessment of wind power from a life cycle perspective. Currently, there is a lack of a consistent assessment approach and therefore a lack of comparability and transparency among environmental life cycle assessments (LCA) of wind power. Further, there is limited data availability while the existing life cycle inventory databases are rather outdated. The importance to harmonise LCA of wind power is specifically prominent in tender processes for new offshore wind projects as well as in future offshore wind lease rounds, where environmental impacts determined by LCAs are increasingly being included as a requirement. CYCLEWIND will focus its efforts on these challenge areas, facilitate coordination and collectively work on the development of a harmonised approach for LCA of wind power. 

The primary objective of this Task is to provide a harmonised framework for LCA of electricity generation from wind energy, enabling consistent and transparent LCA results with increased comparability for sustainable long-term decision support.  

CYCLEWIND will enable the collaboration with other IEA Tasks, specifically with the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme Task 12, where a detailed guideline for a harmonised approach to the performance of LCAs of PV power systems has been developed. There can further be relevant collaborations with other IEA Wind TCP Tasks such as Task 45, 42 and 34. 

Task 60 Work Packages

Work Package 1 (WP1) – LCA Methodology: focuses on establishing a methodology for LCAs of wind power for different decision-making purposes (academic, commercial etc.). The developed methodology will provide guidance on modelling decisions (e.g. system boundaries, life expectancies and allocation), on how to establish the LCI of wind power, on the choice of environmental impacts and indicators to be analysed, and on the structure of the documentation and reporting. 

Work Package 2 (WP2) – Inventories: focuses on establishing Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data and reference cases of onshore wind, offshore wind and specific cases. The final outcome of this WP is a technical report and datasets for onshore and offshore LCIs. 

Work Package 3 (WP3) – Case studies: consists of different case studies that apply LCA of onshore and offshore wind power. The case studies will be documented in either case study reports or scientific papers. 

Work Package 4 (WP4) – Collaboration, communication & decision support: aims to facilitate the exchange of information within the wind energy community and to make the results of CYCLEWIND accessible to a wider audience. This WP includes a factsheet summarizing the main deliverables produced under this Task, a policy brief concerning LCAs in government policy and energy auction design as well as a digitalised platform for collection and sharing of primary data in the supply chain. 

Task 60 Roadmap

  • 2025
    Kick-off meeting at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • 2025
    Policy brief – LCAs in government policy and energy auction design
  • 2026
    Recommended Practice – Methodology Guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment of Wind Power
  • 2028
    Life Cycle Inventories of onshore and offshore wind power


Who can participate in Task 60?

To participate in the research activities of Task 60, researchers must reside in a country that participates in the IEA Wind Agreement AND has agreed by official letter to participate in Task 60.

To join a task, a member country of IEA Wind TCP must designate a lead institution that agrees to the obligations of task participation (pay the annual fee and agree to perform specified parts of the work plan).

Active researchers (performing part of the work plan) benefit from meetings and professional exchange during the term of the task. Countries participating in the task benefit from the information developed by the task.

For more information, contact the Task 60 Operating Agents (contact information below) or the Secretary of IEA Wind.


Cristina-Maria Iordan

Task Manager

Matthias Stucki

Task Manager

Operating Agent Cristina-Maria lordan

Cristina-Maria Iordan
Brattørkaia 17 C
7010 Trondheim
+47 45 23 80 84

DTU Wind and Energy Systems

DTU Wind and Energy Systems
Frederiksborgvej 399
4000 Roskilde

Monday to Friday

9 am – 17 pm Central European Time