IEA Task 50

Work Package 2

Design of a suite of reference hybrid plants.

This work package will design reference hybrid plants to perform specific objectives such as maximizing capacity, providing flexibility and dispatchability, and demonstrating the ability to
provide grid services. This will include identifying technologies that pair well together to achieve these objectives and any modifications to the current technologies that may be required to optimize the hybrid power plant. Task Manager: Jenna Iori, TU Delft.


• Combination of storage technologies: this includes short-term and long-term storage such as ultracapacitors, batteries, pumped hydro, etc.

• Hybrid power plants for grid services: these services include frequency response, black start, automatic generation control, ramping services, etc.

• Wind-based hybrids for hydrogen: this includes determining a reference configuration of technologies for on- and off-grid applications needed to produce hydrogen including wind, solar, storage, electrolyzer design, and transport.

• Dependence on forecasting: this will determine how effectively the storage solutions can be used over a given horizon.

• Modeling needs: this will identify how these hybrid plants can be modeled, what software is necessary or already exists, and accurately modeling the shared infrastructure between technologies.