What is JAM?
JAM, also known as Task 57, is an International Energy Agency (IEA) Wind Task for the Joint Assessment of Models. In simple terms, we use the IEA structure to foster communication, coordination and collaboration among worldwide experts and stakeholders interested in the performance of computer models being used to drive wind energy technology forward, make deployment decisions, and design operational strategies.
The “J” means that we are combining efforts that would otherwise take place independently and in a fragmented way. Our community brings together experimentalists and computational modelers from around the world. Participants come from research laboratories, academic institutions, and industry spaces. The latter includes wind turbine manufacturers, wind plant owners and operators, and wind energy consultants. By involving industry in our work, we ensure the applicability of our methods and results to the real-world design, installation, and operation decisions. By working together, we maximize and accelerate our research output to support the fast-paced growth of wind energy across the globe.
The “A” refers to the technical activities that we perform to evaluate the performance of computer models relative to field measurements of atmospheric flow fields, wind turbine operation and structural response, and wind turbine wakes.
The “M” refers to a wide spectrum of computer models which may be implemented differently depending on the simulation tool. The models considered in JAM range from relatively simple and fast steady-state analytical models to state-of-the-art high-fidelity models of the atmospheric boundary layer, the wind turbine aerodynamics and structural dynamics.
Mini symposium at WESC, a collaboration between Wind Tasks 57 (JAM) and 52 (LIDAR), some time in June 24-27 in Nantes, France.
Mini symposium topic: Lidars In and Out of Simulations
If you would like to present, please submit an abstract at the conference website. You do not need to be an active member of either of the Tasks to participate in this event. If you would like to attend, simply join us at the assigned date and time (not yet released).
In-person kick off (public) – May 28, 2024 13:00 – 17:00 CEST in Florence, Italy.
Find the meeting slides here.
Virtual kick off (public) – March 12, 2024 8:00 – 9:00 MT.
Find the meeting slides here.
- Status: underway
- Released in: May 2024
- Anticipated completion in: May 2025
At a glance
- Spatial scales: two wind plants (option to focus on a subset of wind turbines)
- Temporal scales: 1 second to 1 day
- Site: land-based operational wind plants; simple terrain
- Models targeted: from steady-state analytical models to WRF-LES
Online resources
- Join the working group via this form (open to all JAM members)
- Find out more on the benchmark website
RAAW Rotor Inflow
- Status: underway
- Released in: October 2024
- Anticipated completion in: April 2025
At a glance
- Spatial scales: one wind turbine
- Temporal scales: 20 Hz to 12 minutes
- Site: land-based operational wind plant; simple terrain
- Models targeted: any model that can generate inflow turbulence (a box or time series of planes) while constraining some points to measured values
Online resources
- To join, e-mail jam@nrel.gov
- Find out more on the benchmark website
Find Us Online
Frequently Asked Questions
When is JAM active?
February 2024 – January 2027.
Why was JAM created?
To quantify confidence in and promote adoption of improved wind flow, wind turbine and plant models.
How can I keep up to date with Task 57 news?
Whether or not your country is an IEA Wind member, you are welcome to join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on public news and events.
How can I join one of the working groups?
For participation in the working groups and access to benchmarks and data in real time, your country must be an IEA Wind member and a JAM member. For more information please contact jam@nrel.gov
Who can participate in Task 57?
To participate in the research activities of Task 57, researchers must reside in a country that participates in the IEA Wind TCP Implementing Agreement AND has agreed by official letter to participate in Task 57. The participating member country of the IEA Wind TCP must designate a lead institution that agrees to the obligations of Task participation (pay the annual fee and agree to perform specified parts of the work plan). The value of the research performed is many times the cost of the country participation fee or the labor contributed to carrying out the work plan.
The benefits of being an active participant in the Task might include:
- Real-time access to benchmarks
- Access to high-quality, full-scale experimental data within benchmarks
- Access to simulation results from other participants within benchmarks
- As an experimental scientist – maximize the reach and use of your data
- As a modeler – all you have to do is run, the benchmark organizers do the validation work
- As a model user and developer – detailed insight into the performance of other models, and the eyes of leading experts on the results you are producing with yours
- Regular technical exchanges with leading experts in model validation
- Ability to shape the scope and direction of the technical work
We welcome new members! For more information, contact the Task 57 representatives (contact information below) or the IEA Wind TCP Secretariat.
Task 57 Management
Operating Agent Contact
Paula Doubrawa, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
at 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO 80401
Monday to Friday
9 am – 17 pm Central European Time