Leadership Team


Patrick Gilman

Patrick Gilman


U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)
E-mail: patrick.gilman@ee.doe.gov

Vice Chairs

Birte Holst Jørgesen

Birte Holst Jørgensen

Vice Chair for Social Science

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
E-mail: bhjq@dtu.dk

March 17, 2016-Brian Smith, NWTC Partnership Manager. (Photo by Dennis Schroeder / NREL)

Brian Smith

 Brian Smith

Treasurer and Vice Chair for Collaborative Communication

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
E-mail: brian.smith@nrel.gov

Ignacio Cruz

Ignacio Cruz

Ignacio Cruz

Vice Chair for The Plant and Grid

The Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT)
E-mail: ignacio.cruz@ciemat.es


Katja Maus

Katja Maus

Vice Chair for Environmental Co-design

Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE)
E-mail: katja.maus@bfe.admin.ch

Ruud Oerlemans

Ruud Oerlemans

Vice Chair for The Turbine

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)

Stephan Barth

Stephan Barth

Stephan Barth

Vice Chair for The Atmosphere

ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research
E-mail: stephan.barth@forwind.de

Associate Members of the Leadership Team

Bret Barker

 Bret Barker


U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)
E-mail: bret.barker@ee.doe.gov

Jim Ahlgrimm

Jim Ahlgrimm

Advisor and REWP Vice Chair

U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)
E-mail: jim.ahlgrimm@ee.doe.gov

John McCann

John McCann

Chair of Communication Committee

Sustainability Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
E-mail: john.mccann@seai.ie

Justine Beauson

Justine Beauson

Operating Agent Representative

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
E-mail: jube@dtu.dk

Lionel Perret

Lionel Perret

Task 11 Operating Agent

Planair SA
E-mail: lionel.perret@planair.ch

Any Question at

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DTU Wind Energy

DTU Risø Campus
Frederiksborgvej 399
4000 Roskilde

Monday to Friday

9 am – 17 pm Central European Time

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