IEA Wind Task 45 - Deliverable 3.1 - Guideline on the establishment of Traceability and Value Chains for the recycling of wind turbine blades

This study is an open exploration with the aim to create common ground with regard to priority actions for the diverse stakeholders that are involved in enabling a circular economy for wind turbine blades. The study’s objectives are to identify key steps, partners and actions in the value chain, especially with regard to improving traceability in the supply chain in terms of location and the quality and quantity of materials. The study will gather insights from along the supply chain – from pre-manufacture through to end-of-life and the second life – to enable action and support for investment into circular chains for wind turbine blades.

The aim of this study is hence to bring stakeholders together, for the objective of developing a shared position on the status quo and priority actions for traceability in wind energy supply chains to enable more circular economy practices to be developed in the near term (by 2025) and the longer term (by 2035).

Through a series of stakeholder engagements, including a pre-workshop survey, in-person workshop and post-workshop survey, this study will co-produce:

  • The changes that are preferred and necessary
  • Analysis of the current state of traceability in the supply chain
  • Co-production of short-term and long-term future visions
  • Barriers and drivers for realising the visions
  • Actions required by stakeholders

This study will result into shared messages about traceability in the wind turbine blade supply chain, suggested targets to reach, with core contents for presentations for all to use at e.g. events and a short summary document for public use.

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