About Task 27
Duration: 2008-2018
The goal of IEA Wind TCP Task 27 was to understand how turbulence impacts small wind turbine production and whether turbulence is appropriately characterized in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 61400-2 for small wind turbines.
Task 27 Results
Task 27 worked to develop reasonable criteria for design requirements: vertical velocity, turbulence intensity design levels, replacement of the Normal Turbulence Model (NTM), vibration, and VAWT simplified loads methods.
In 2018, Task 27:
- Compiled country case studies documenting all CFD modeling, measurements results, and modeling and testing efforts conducted within the scope of Task 27
- Compiled, discussed, and completed the documentation of technical recommendations for the future IEC 61400-2 standard, fourth revision
- Finalized the IEA Wind TCP Recommended Practices on micro-siting of small wind turbines.
These activities were concluded at the end of 2018 and shared with IEC 61400-2 fourth revision experts and other stakeholders.
Task 27 Publications
During the duration of Task 27, members produced the following publications:
Compendium of IEA Wind TCP Task 27 Case Studies
This document highlights and summarizes work from the participating countries related to small wind turbines and turbulence.
Expert Group Report on Recommended Practices: Micro-Siting Small Wind Turbines for Highly Turbulent Sites
This document collects lessons learned from extensive data collection and modeling activities and presents results of research and analysis efforts in the area of micro-siting small wind turbines for highly turbulent sites.
Recommended Practices for Wind Turbine Testing and Evaluation: Consumer Label for Small Wind Turbines
This document describes a method for producing the IEA Wind Consumer Label for Small Wind Turbines. It is an international label, which presents test results based on IEC standards in a condensed and comparable form regardless of where the testing has been conducted.
IEA Wind Task 27 Small Wind Turbine Technical Report Draft
This technical report provides a series of recommendations based on Task 27 research results that should be considered in future standards-making activities for IEC 61400-2. While these recommendations are preliminary in nature and require further validation, many of the results suggest changes to turbulence characteristics, loads models and methods, as well as the development of a new turbine design classification.
Operating Agents
Please contact the Operating Agents with any questions
IEA Task 27 Operating Agent Ignacio Cruz
Head of Wind Energy Unit
RES Division
Department of Energy CIEMAT
Avda Complutense 40, 28040
Madrid, SPAIN
Contact Ignacio Cruz
IEA Task 27 Operating Agent Trudy Forsyth
United States
Contact Trudy Forsyth
+1 303-949-5363