Articles 2017-

Yasuda, Y., Flynn, D., Gómez-Lázaro, E., Holttinen, H., & Martin Martinez, S. (2023). Latest wind and solar curtailment information: statistics and future estimations in various countries/areas. 22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop, WISO23-143. Download

Nordström, H., Söder, L., Flynn, D., Matevosyan, J., Kiviluoma, J., Holttinen, H., Vrana, T. K., Van Der Welle, A., Morales-España, G., Pudjianto, D., Strbac, G., Dobschinski, J., Estanqueiro, A., Algarvio, H., Martín Martínez, S., Gómez Lázaro, E., & Hodge, B.-M. (2023). Strategies for Continuous Balancing in Future Power Systems with High Wind and Solar Shares. Energies, 16(14), 5249.

Yasuda, Y., Carlini, E. M., Estanqueiro, A., Eriksen, P. B., Flynn, D., Herre, L. F., Hodge, B.-M., Holttinen, H., Koivisto, M. J., Gómez-Lózaro, E., Martínez, S. M., Menemenlis, N., Morales-España, G., Pellinger, C., Ramos, A., Smith, C., & Vrana, T. K. (2023). Flexibility chart 2.0: An accessible visual tool to evaluate flexibility resources in power systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 174, 113116.

Yasuda, Y., Bird, L., Carlini, E. M., Eriksen, P. B., Estanqueiro, A., Flynn, D., Fraile, D., Gómez Lázaro, E., Martín-Martínez, S., Hayashi, D., Holttinen, H., Lew, D., McCam, J., Menemenlis, N., Miranda, R., Orths, A., Smith, J. C., Taibi, E., & Vrana, T. K. (2022). C-E (curtailment – Energy share) map: An objective and quantitative measure to evaluate wind and solar curtailment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 160, 112212.

Korpås, M., Holttinen, H., Helistö, N., Girard, R., Koivisto, M., Frew, B., Dobschinski, J., Smith, J. C., Vrana, T. K., Flynn, D., Orths, A., & Söder, L. (2022). Addressing Market Issues in Electrical Power Systems with Large Shares of Variable Renewable Energy. 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2022., download preprint

Kiviluoma, J., Helistö, N., Putkonen, N., Smith, C., Koivisto, M., Korpås, M., Flynn, D., Söder, L., Taibi, E., & Guminski, A. (2022). Flexibility from the Electrification of Energy: How Heating, Transport, and Industries Can Support a 100% Sustainable Energy System. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 20(4), 55–65., download preprint

Holttinen, H., Cutululis, N., Frew, B., Korpås, M., Flynn, D., & Helistö, N. (2021, September). Design and Operation of Energy Systems with Large Amounts of Variable Generation. 20th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants. Download

Hodge, B.-M. S., Jain, H., Brancucci, C., Seo, G., Korpås, M., Kiviluoma, J., Holttinen, H., Smith, J. C., Orths, A., Estanqueiro, A., Söder, L., Flynn, D., Vrana, T. K., Kenyon, R. W., & Kroposki, B. (2020). Addressing Technical Challenges in 100% Variable Inverter-Based Renewable Energy Power Systems. WIREs Energy and Environment, 9(5), e376.

Holttinen, H., Kiviluoma, J., Flynn, D., Smith, C., Orths, A., Eriksen, P. B., Cutululis, N. A., Soder, L., Korpas, M., Estanqueiro, A., Macdowell, J., Tuohy, A., Vrana, T. K., & O’Malley, M. (2020). System impact studies for near 100% renewable energy systems dominated by inverter based variable generation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1–1.

Miettinen, J., Holttinen, H., & Hodge, B.-M. (2020). Simulating wind power forecast error distributions for spatially aggregated wind power plants. Wind Energy, 23(1), 45–62.

Söder, L., Tómasson, E., Estanqueiro, A., Flynn, D., Hodge, B. M., Kiviluoma, J., Korpås, M., Neau, E., Couto, A., Pudjianto, D., Strbac, G., Burke, D., Gómez, T., Das, K., Cutululis, N. A., Van Hertem, D., Höschle, H., Matevosyan, J., von Roon, S., … de Vries, L. (2020). Review of wind generation within adequacy calculations and capacity markets for different power systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119, 109540.

Helistö, N., Kiviluoma, J., Holttinen, H., Lara, J. D., & Hodge, B.-M. (2019). Including operational aspects in the planning of power systems with large amounts of variable generation: A review of modeling approaches. WIREs Energy Environment, 8(5), e341.

Estanqueiro, A., Ahlrot, C., Duque, J., Santos, D., Gentle, J. P., Abboud, A. W., Morozovska, K., Hilber, P., Söder, L., & Kanefendt, T. (2018, October). DLR use for optimization of network design with very large wind (and VRE) penetration. 17th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants. Download

Müller, S., Taibi, E., Fraile, D., Holttinen, H., Smith, J. C., Hawk, K., & Vrana, T. K. (2018, October). System integration costs – a useful concept that is complicated to quantify? 17th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants. Download

Holttinen, H. (2018, June). Advances in wind integration, recent findings from international collaboration IEAWIND Task 25. Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference. Download

Vrana, T. K., Flynn, D., Gomez-Lazaro, E., Kiviluoma, J., Marcel, D., Cutululis, N., & Smith, J. C. (2018). Wind power within European grid codes: Evolution, status and outlook. WIREs Energy and Environment, 7(3), e285.

Bloom, A., Helman, U., Holttinen, H., Summers, K., Bakke, J., Brinkman, G., & Lopez, A. (2017). It’s indisputable: Five facts about planning and operating modern power systems. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 15(6), 22–30.

Holttinen, H., J.Kiviluoma, Flynn, D., J.Dillon, Mather, B., Hodge, B.-M., Vrana, T. K., Neau, E., Kraiczy, M., Söder, L., Cutululis, N., Carlini, E. M., Ogimoto, K., & Smith, J. C. (2017, October). Recommendations for wind and solar integration studies. 16th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants. Download

Söder, L., Milligan, M., Orths, A., Pellinger, C., Kiviluoma, J., Silva, V., Lopez-Botet Zulueta, M., Flynn, D., & O’Neill, B. (2017, October). Comparison of integration studies of 30-40 percent energy share from variable renewable sources. 16th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as Well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants. Download

Flynn, D., Rather, Z., Ardal, A., D’Arco, S., Hansen, A. D., Cutululis, N. A., Sorensen, P., Estanquiero, A., Gómez, E., Menemenlis, N., Smith, C., & Wang, Y. (2017). Technical impacts of high penetration levels of wind power on power system stability. WIREs Energy and Environment, 6(2), 1–19.

Huertas-Hernando, D., Farahmand, H., Holttinen, H., Kiviluoma, J., Rinne, E., Söder, L., Milligan, M., Ibanez, E., Martínez, S. M., Gomez-Lazaro, E., Estanqueiro, A., Rodrigues, L., Carr, L., van Roon, S., Orths, A. G., Eriksen, P. B., Forcione, A., & Menemenlis, N. (2017). Hydro power flexibility for power systems with variable renewable energy sources: An IEA Task 25 collaboration. WIREs Energy and Environment, 6(1), 1–20.

Milligan, M., Frew, B., Ibanez, E., Kiviluoma, J., Holttinen, H., & Söder, L. (2017). Capacity value assessments of wind power. WIREs Energy and Environment, 6(1), e226.