Task 25 joint article about continuous balancing in future power systems has been published
In power systems, a continuous balance between total production and demand is currently mainly managed with conventional power plants, but with larger amounts of wind and solar power, other sources will also be needed. Task 25 joint article describes and compares the different challenges and future possibilities in six systems concerning how to keep a continuous balance in the future with significantly larger amounts of variable renewable power production. The systems included in the overview are the Nordic synchronous area, the island of Ireland, the Iberian Peninsula, Texas (ERCOT), the central European system, and Great Britain.
- Nordström, H., Söder, L., Flynn, D., Matevosyan, J., Kiviluoma, J., Holttinen, H., Vrana, T. K., et al. (2023) “Strategies for Continuous Balancing in Future Power Systems with High Wind and Solar Shares”, DOI: 10.3390/en16145249 (open access)