IEA Wind Task 45 - Deliverable 2.2 - Blade End-of-Life Treatments: State of the Art, Challenges, Barriers & Environmental Impacts

This document has been prepared in support of IEA Wind Task 45 Subtask 3.1 on “Integrated life cycle assessment with social and economic factors”, Subtask 2.2 on the “Reuse and repurpose of end-of-life wind turbine blades” and Subtask 2.3 on “Recycling and recovery methods”. This document provides a review of all potential blade end-of-life options, at various stages of technical development, including their associated environmental impacts and the identified challenges, barriers and opportunities.

The intended audience is wind turbine OEMs, blade manufacturers, asset owners and decommissioning contractors, as well as governments, local authorities and public agencies with responsibility for waste and the circular economy.

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