The IEA Wind 740-10-MW Reference Offshore Wind Plants

IEA Wind TCP Task 55

Standard reference cases allow for an unambiguous comparison of different multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization tools. Over the years, the reference wind turbines developed within the International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA Wind) have become valuable tools for the research and business communities. In contrast to reference turbines, which are widely used and accepted, there are no established reference plants, either offshore or land-based. In fact, reference turbines placed in simple geometric layouts and real wind plants with accessible data have mainly served as case studies for wind plant analysis so far. For the latter case, well-known examples are Alpha Ventus [1], Anholt, and Westermost Rough [2]. However, simple geometric layouts do not address the complexity of wind plant design and control as a whole and are therefore typically restricted to specific applications, e.g., when comparing different wake steering strategies. On the other hand, data access for real wind plants is typically limited, and critical information such as the aeroelastic design of turbine components or the control trajectory are not accessible. Therefore, comparison of studies focusing on the same wind plant is hindered
in general.

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